Whenever people say “That is the best Horror film ever & nothing is better this movie.” Then you just have to say “ Well have you seen these classic films?” It just amazes me that some people will just say that anything is better than what came before they just watched. Now I do understand why some of these people will just say that & not think about the other great horror classic. We can have a good debate on this topic & see where we can find out the best horror movie series is & all. Yet we do need to get all the movies that did a great job on what makes a good horror movie.
Being a kid of the 1980's & 1990's. There was a few good comedians that really stood out of the pack & Robin Williams was one of them. He really did a good job in all his projects. Yeah some of his films were failures or somewhat successful in the theaters. Now we can debate on what happened to why they didn't do well in the first place.
I don't really seem to care about that. I just care if he was funny in the film or not. yeah some of his films were dark & a bit rough to get the punchline in the movie. Yet he still give it his all in the proformas to see if he can do the character some justice. His did a lot of improve to see it will make the final cut or not. That was one of the best things about Robin did a lot. Now after 10 years since his death I still can seem understand why he just take his own life. I understand that comedy is a hard thing to do. Just because that you are not going a lot of jobs doesn't mean the you are a failure to your craft. It a good time to refine it & see if you still got the skills to make people smile in their darkest time. The thing that I loved about Robin was the he played many types of people in films. That is very nice to see him do. Not many comedies will try to do that. Some comedies will just play the some genre role over & over till the end of their career & just be stereotyped for life. Yeah made a few bad film in his career & I bet he learned from them. Still he had a hard time finding a good project to be in. That can't just be only him. I know that there is a lot of great actors that made a lot of mistakes & still got a career. To me Robin will always be a great comedian that took all of his projects very serious to maybe to get a better project in the future. Seeing that a great person can fall from there prime is never a good thing to see. To me for the past few years. I how little to no faith is Hollywood for many reasons & I just hate to see anything that I loved as a child get destroyed by people that don't know what they are doing. Rather it wash race or gender swapping well know characters that I loved for their cool looks or how they step up for what they believe in.
With 2023 ending I just like to say that this was a good year for all of pop culture. Yeah there was a lot good games, movies, songs & much more that came out his year. Hoping that we can have more great things that we all love to do.
I just can't wait to see what will come out in 2024 & beyond. I do have some expiations for the next few years in pop culture. With so many new produces in the ways. Only time will tell if something will rise or fall. As a person that don't like to see new ideas fail. I just hope that we all know what we like to see in their entertainment. To me the current way that things going these days. I just wish that we stop seeing poor hacks trying to say that we are wrong on how bad a produce is & not get called names for not liking something. There has been to much activeism in are entertainment that is has killed off any good product to reaching it's fullest potential to everyone & out a very few people that will support it. Here is to a good year in 2024. For the last few days.I been hearing that Disney is looking to sell off some of the popperties just to stay afloat. Now we all know that Bob Iger went on a major spending spree doing the last few years during his first time is Disney's CEO & was not seeming to care about the state that Disney was at that time. I think that Disney should sell off Lucasfilm
Now that we seen the damage is done to the Star Wars franchise & seen the trilogy that Disney done. Only made about $4.5 Billion in ticket sale & most of the merchandise fail to epic proportions. Make me wonder if Disney has break even on what they paid for in the first place? To me this is a both good & bad sign on the most famous franchise in the world. Let's start with the good side of things. If disney dose sell the franchise to another studio & fix the problems that Disney did to this PopCulture Icon. I can see the next owner not making the same mistakes as Disney did. Yet we have no idea on what studios, business group or person's name that are looking to buy Star Wars as of now & I hope that they don't push for some kind of political or religious messages in the films. To me I will still be open to anyone that is going to buy Lucasfilm from Disney & do wish them the best of luck to new films that they put out after they buy Lucasfilm & hopefully make the best movies possible for the world to see. I do have some fear that we may not see any movement for months or years from now & that is main problem that I have right now. To me this is a bad sign that we will never see the original 3 films that George Lucas had plan out for his sequel films. Now I really do hope that we will try to see the plan that George had already done to make into a trilogy & have it to be thrown away for the films that we got. As we wait to see one who will the new owner of Lucasfilm. I will still be a fan of the great films that I grow up on. Plus I have some love for Indiana Jones which has its ups & downs from movie to movie. I can't forget the other film that Lucasfilm made. I mean it is a great part of many people childhood. We all can wait to see the future that Lucasfilm has for us in the years to come. It just sad that any big name company to the dark side. I wish the best of luck to all the employees that are working for Lucasfilm. Man the news about E3 2013 is not that good. We all should know by now that E3 has been completely cancelled do to the fact that most of the big named game companies will not show up this year for whatever reason.
I was not that shocked that it was not going to happen this year. Yet it was. To me these is just another blow that E3 is not that mainstream event that It once was. I just think that E3 is an out of date relic that was going to be thing of the past very soon. Do i think it will ever come back in the future? No. With so many of game companies doing their own mini event throughout the year & can do it on a much cheaper budget. E3 was just on life support & with current technology to just put on a show on the internet. Companies just come to a decision to make there own show case. They can just do things better on a cheaper budget without risking a total failure. With all the talk about the trail with Johnny Depp & Amber Heard getting very heated. I been thinking that is her chases of getting work after the fact she may of lied to the courts & the public. Now I don't think that she will lose too much at first. I'm just talking about in the future.
Personally I have not paid too much of my time into the whole thing. From what I have gotten from over the years & the ones that are talking about it. I do think that Johnny is not the monster that Amber & the media are pretending that he is? I do thing that there is more than enuff information that is out their. That Aber is not telling us the whole story & not a good person. Now I can't say that I know any the things that I'm saying to the world. This is just a small opinion that has little weight to it & can't be proven at all. So I do think that we can just just let the court do it's thing & hope that the right judgment is given to the parties that are involved in the trail. I don't like to see anyone that has great talent just to throw it away over a lie & be hurt by their own actions for years to come. That is just wrong anyone to do in the first place. I just feel that the lies that one person starts to spared for their own sick gains & then found out that they can't work again do to their greed. While I thinking about this case. I know that we can't trust them for long period of time. Knowing that going down this road is a very steep downhill trap. It's hard to be supportive to not just to the person that did the evil actions & hard to believe those that are in a bad spot in their life. So this case a reminder to anyone that thinks they can do anything that they like & get away with it. Over the past few days Elon Musk buys twitter & now we are see people leave the platform. Do the fact that Elon loves to promote Freedom of speech for all sides of the debate. Now I don't seem to care that a man that is trying to level the playing field.
It just seems that only one side that thinks their in the right & can't seem to take the descending opinions that will be challenging them in the future. For far too long then been protected by the Hiveminds at twitter & now then must live in the real world. The thing that I like to see. if they can do it. Maybe get unblocked by people that weak-minded people that just block you for no real reason. That will be nice to see happen. This was a good play by Elon to do & now we can have true freedom on this platform. It seems to me that we can't go a month or so without a site making a claim of some kind of cultural appropriation. Now I don't seem to get the claims that people are making? We all like to explore new places & see do things.
Now I know that movies, arts & video games are always going to be the target of cultural appropriation & it seems to me that some people are just so hurt. That they are stealing from others cultures & making money off their culture. This is just a stupid argument to begin with. Look it films like Star wars & all the cultures that it had to had to take from just to it feel like a full universe? I'm not that shocked that most of the species are based off some part of the world's culture or history. Some of this people have been losing their minds for years & have gotten nowhere on there stance. As normal people have just move on with the real world. You know if we can't used other people's culture for inspiration on a story for a character. Then when why should we have to do so much research just to make sure people are getting look & feel right in the some of these period piece. Can we just enjoy some good entertainment? |
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