Now I'm a fan of Anita & I think that she needs to get a real job. She has not made a name for herself in anything that she had try to do. She failed to complete her crowdfunding project on the 5 videos that she promises to do, lies about GamerGate movement, makes false claims of harassment, keeps asking for large amount money on social media, lies about her history playing video games & give out a lot of misinformation about the video game industry.
I try to get Anita's view on the video games that she is talking about it. Yeah I tend to be a bit harsh on people that do have a different view then me, but when her views are full of lies & everyone is thinking all of it is true for some reason.
Do I hate Anita for calling everything sexiest, racist or homophobic. I think that she needs to start to talk to those that have criticizer her views on many things. I would like to do that, but with her past of blocking anyone that disagree with her.
To me. Anita does have the right give some feedback, but not on the level that she is offering as of now. I just think that she needs to listen to the fans of the franchises that she is trying to destroy, I know that she do just listen to the real fans of the franchises that she is lying about, because she do call them out on there so call harassment that she gets.
I think that I just post the tweet that she posted that got people talking about. I think that it shows a person who thinks that there a important person that has power to make something better in their own sick way.
Yes I get it that not every game is for everyone, but we can't force a company to change there vision of a game that will fit a very small group of people that will not buy games in the first place. I will be buying Cyberpunk 2077. I will preorder this games & will be playing this game on day 1.