Now that we seen the damage is done to the Star Wars franchise & seen the trilogy that Disney done. Only made about $4.5 Billion in ticket sale & most of the merchandise fail to epic proportions. Make me wonder if Disney has break even on what they paid for in the first place?
To me this is a both good & bad sign on the most famous franchise in the world. Let's start with the good side of things. If disney dose sell the franchise to another studio & fix the problems that Disney did to this PopCulture Icon. I can see the next owner not making the same mistakes as Disney did.
Yet we have no idea on what studios, business group or person's name that are looking to buy Star Wars as of now & I hope that they don't push for some kind of political or religious messages in the films. To me I will still be open to anyone that is going to buy Lucasfilm from Disney & do wish them the best of luck to new films that they put out after they buy Lucasfilm & hopefully make the best movies possible for the world to see.
I do have some fear that we may not see any movement for months or years from now & that is main problem that I have right now. To me this is a bad sign that we will never see the original 3 films that George Lucas had plan out for his sequel films. Now I really do hope that we will try to see the plan that George had already done to make into a trilogy & have it to be thrown away for the films that we got.
As we wait to see one who will the new owner of Lucasfilm. I will still be a fan of the great films that I grow up on. Plus I have some love for Indiana Jones which has its ups & downs from movie to movie. I can't forget the other film that Lucasfilm made. I mean it is a great part of many people childhood.
We all can wait to see the future that Lucasfilm has for us in the years to come. It just sad that any big name company to the dark side. I wish the best of luck to all the employees that are working for Lucasfilm.