To be fair about this review. I really like indie films. There really good if you do it just right. So with that out of the way. This past weekend a underground film festival happen & I was very happy to say that this was a great event to good to see some great indie films, shorts & documentaries.
Now at times I did enjoy some of the shorts, but others where OK at best. With all the ways & different styles of doing each projects. Shows that any style can make there mark on the indie film market. Now I was very impress that on what each film did for different genres. There was a few panels, but they were not the best. One was a live podcast. Which was are funny & there was a part that I not in to talk about. Because it not very family friendly for the site. The other one was about comics & animation. All in all I hope that there is Frack Fest 2017. There is a time that I hate to bring up a problem that we all see that a few people are willing to bring up. I hate it that a good app of any kind. Rather it's free or paid. The app needs to be the best that it can be. In the past few mouths a few apps that I got have not lived to what I think is a high enough standard to be an accessible quality for any app that I had been on.
I hate it when there are no real support for there poor put together apps. I'm tried that there is no real costumer support with these big companies that rarely fixes the problems with there apps. I'm not going to say that all apps that are bad, but it's just wrong to just put out a poor quality of anything & past it as gold. I hope that we can fight by giving are feedback of there failures. So if we keep saying that this sucks & put there feet to the fire. See if they are willing to fix there poor example of costumer support. I hope we can just fight this bad side of business. The thing that is always the problem in this world is. That when something new is announce. One of the first things that goes thought my mind is "Can this TV show live up tho the hype that is backing it?" To fair about everything that I have see & heard about this new idea is never a hard sell for me.
I have rarely back anything that has a big following on the internet for many reasons. The biggest one is "Will this thing that has a large amount of hype backing it. Be a successful?" With so many failed shows that just are doing what everybody else is doing. They need to quit copying on what is successful & just come up with something original that will stand out of the crowd. We got so many shows that are all the same, but with different style & locations in them. I've turned off by how close that most of these TV shows are now |
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