I don't do a few things that I liked to this last year, but I know that there is still time to do them in the years to come. The thing that I was trying to do the most was get on a talk about the way that are culture is going & hope to get my concerns out in to the open.
One of the things that I'm now doing is using YouTube as another way to get my options out & see if some of my friends think the same way that I do. It would be nice to think that we all can hear what we all have to think & not hurt those that disagree on the topics that hurt the medium that we all love.
Now I know that I tend to seat a goal that is a bit high for at times & never seem to think that its too high of a goal for me, but what I will do is this. I will try to make steps trows to my goals & hopefully that this will help me out.
The way that I do things. Can be a bit wrack less, but I know that I can make this site a big name very soon & just be happy that I did my best. I know that I can't make everyone happy. To I just like to make very person that took there time to find this site & enjoy the post that I made here.
So lets see on what amazing things that the 4th year has coming for us. I just can't wait to see what is can be.