After I hear that there was a sequel in the works I was very happy to get a copy of the first game so that I can see what may it stand out from the rest of other game at the time. As I played thru the first game it seem to be a first installment to a start of a great franchise. The only thing that I hated about the first games was that the story was a bit too confusing for a moment near the end.
I did love the story in the second game a bit better then the first one. It seen to me that with the way that you play as a Big Daddy & get better weapons. Is truly a great way to plain out the future of the series. Still the ending was a bit better then the firs one, but still feels a too dark from the full game. At times I was a bit lost in the environment of the game. It was great to see other parts of Rapture that we never seen before.
I can tell you all on what I think of the third installment of the series. All that I can say is that it was better then you think. Now we can chat about it as a masterpiece in its on right, but there was a few corners that was cut. just to fit it on a dice that did hurt it in the in the long run. I did like the ending for this game & think it hits a lot questions.