At the event there was a lot of stuff that was Star Wars. Like action figures, legos, Pop figures, T-shirts & many stuff that was Start Wars themed. There where a few things that was not Star Wars related there & it was nice to see that there is a great deal of all other things. I could of been nicer t see just Star Wars stuff there, but I'm not going to complain about the way that is was set up with the vendors.
Now going to fair as I can be I do think that events that can be a lot better for years to come. Now the location it self that was a lots odd to me & I did give it a chance to grow on me. It was still a good place that I like to come to again in the future. The only thing that I can think that failed was the fact that it was spread out too much on the artist allay & the main area of the convention. To me that is a bad idea that most people seem to do at conventions.
The guest that was there was a good mix of some of the actors & actresses that was in the original trilogy. As well as the creator of the ships & the Death Star was there. I ask him “If the weak spot on the Death Star was plan or was it an idea from the small mishap from the model of the Death Star?”
Overall it was a good event that I like to see to come back for years to come in the future.