I did see the Documentary that the high score was made on, but I also see that the score did jump up a bit on the screen. Now I did question that tape that had the score on it & don't think it was a solid run of the game. For some odd reason it was an official score & put in the record books.
Since then the score has been slowly moved down the ladder, many more people had set records of there own, A change of ownership & a few records been whipped away from the books. When I heard of all this I got a bit more interested in what in going on.
Now can't be fully for sure what is going on at Twin Galaxies. Other then what they post on the forums, but I think that this issue is going to have major changes in the future of their record keeping. I like that there is a steady flow of updates to the investigation on Twin Galaxies' side of things & not too much or nothing at all.
One of the things that did get my eyes was a articular on Twin Galaxies website said that a YouTube was being sued for wire tapping that never happen & sunk into a public event dressed as Billy Michell. Since then it was edited to be more neutral & less one sided.
In my personal opinion I think that Twin Galaxies has a big mess on their hands that was left before the new owner can fully get a grip on the massive clams that people seen to point out. Now I try not to make a quick judgement on these kind of things, but if all the cards point against a person's clam. I just have to expect the truth.
The thing that I hate to do is. Liking a person for the great achievements & then find out that they cheated to get the big prize in the end. This is why I think we need to have more live score then a tape that magical comes to a event & that tape was found to faked.
I guess that real heroes are very rare indeed.