Nowadays it's just total chaos on the internet & everyone seems to be enjoying it. Not me. Think that people need to get a grip & chill out. I'm getting to a point that we get to hear that when one person is gets too popular in one area of the internet. They must be destroy at all cost.
Here are a few examples that I can give you. Rich of Review Tech USA. He has dose a lot few videos on rumors that are going around that he gets from tech sites that got sources on different things that he been know to cover like computers, cell phones & gaming consoles. Some trolls will hound on him if the rumors change like the wind. So they will do it like there is not tomorrow at times & they think that their in the right for doing it.
Another example is a YouTuber "Tipster." He mostly talks about what is going on in the gaming community & sometimes gaming news. He lost MCN do to a troll that he was in a discord group that was going to try get some high scores removed by any way that they can. They where caught by chatting in a secret group & called out for their actions. Tipster was one of a few people that was covering their actions & more.
Now I beat that there is a lot more examples that I can go with on the this topic, There are just so many that I don't think are as bad as other, but the ones that are willing to go as far as some do, Are just man babies that need to grow up. I going to give anyone that hate a person for their own views on stupid stuff,
All that I like to see from people. Is just talking out their different views on a debate. I think that most of these fights are just for show & nobody seems to think about there own actions in the long run.