Now it was nice to get some more information on Battlefield V & Anthem. These seem to be what most of the gamers that been talking about the most for the past few weeks & I'm a bit surprised that we got released dates for both of them.
There was a name now for the Star Wars game from Respawn called Star Wars Jedi fallen order. Which we know that it was being worked, but we don't know the name for till now. There was a few new indie titles there & it was nice to see them there.
I wish that there was more to say, but EA has been the weakest of all of the press conferences & then don't have to go first. I think that this is not how you start a major event & hope that the one who starts the event. Is the one that rules the show.
Over all EA is not a good start to this event at all. My grade for this press conference is a C-. They need to come up with new franchise that can kill every time. Not the same franchises every year & expect it to good well with us. Better luck next time EA.