Well I was with the opening of Microsoft was one of those surprise was in the forum of a new Halo game, Battletoads, Gears of War & many games that I can name. I was happy that they just showed game after games & a rare break from the games that they where showing there. Yeah it was a nice smooth & fast pace of trailers.
I can't many bad things that I don't like about Microsoft's press conference, expect the games that I didn't think are for me, but may give them a try sometime down the road. Overall I'll give it B+. I hop that we can see which of these games will be good.
Now for Bethesda they really know how to start a show. They start it by having Andrew W.K. sing one of his new songs that was in the second trailer of RAGE 2 & it was a nice way to have guy that loves to party.
There was a big surprised that we are getting a new Doom game, a couple new Fallout & Elder Scrolls games. Which don't sound bad to me, but will a bit much to me. I liked they the that we got Star field is a IP that was being rumored for sometime now.
I'm not to hype for most of the games & was happy to see that there is a lot of great games that are coming out for years to come. Overall I give Bethesda a A-. Which is nice for them to get at this year's E3.