Most of the games trailers that was showed alright been announced & didn't seem to be my type of game for me. It was nice to see that another Smash Bros game that is coming out later this year. The Smash bros games took a lot of there video & was just sick that they had a chance to show more games or make there show did shorter & less game play that is painful to watch.
We didn't see anything on the games that we got last year & I think a little something that we need to know if they are still being worked on or not. I was just so disappointed that we are in the dark on some of the games that we like to know about.
Overall Nintendo had a weak showing & needs to quit there long game play that is hurting there press conference. I will give Nintendo's event a D+. This not a way to show your games & think that we need to open our eyes to the way that Nintendo is running.