I was shock that how good looking that DOOM looked & see on what had changed since the last game. The only thing that going thru my is can gamers that grow up on DOOM reconnect with this had fallen franchise. With many game had fallen before & rise after a good reboot. If it takes a good installment to get back on track. Then I hope that this is the on to do so.
The next game that was up is Battle Cry. To me this game looks like a Team Fortress stye game play. The art style looks very cool cell shaded. Combat looks OK it best, but was just a few things it I can see from the trailer.
A trailer for Dishonored 2 was shown and a Definitive Edition was announced for Dishonored. It will ship with all the DLC for the game. A few changes are new magic tricks & a new character to play as or you can play as the original charactor if you choose to so.
A few new things for The Elder Scrolls franchise. More content for The Elder Scrolls Online. A card game was announced & it seems to be a great way to introduce many new people to The Elder Scrolls universe. I just hope that this is not a over price card game with weak promises.
The last thing that they showed off was Fallout 4. This game is 4years in the making & I hope that it's worth the wait. It's a straight forward game that we expect for a RPG style game that we can think of. You got customize character, weapons, power suit & resource at you will to make anything you going to need. The looks awesome & can't wait till it comes out in November.