For those that don't know. Back in August Filip got caught copying (or Plagiarism) a small YouTube channel's review of Dead Cells. He denied the claims & was fired. Shortly after that more claims of him Plagiarism were sacking up against him. He denied them as well & things only got worst from there. He did a video that we try to Justify that some reviews just sound the same to him & many other the review the same game. He apologies to everyone, but to Boomstick Studio.
He came back after a 2 month break & did a few videos till the end if 2018 & was quite till last week. I was just thinking about on how Filip was doing without uploading any videos from time to time, but to me I was not going to get him any of my time by going to his YouTube channel just to talk about the mess that he got him into. So I was just going to see if other YouTube channels was going to cover his return or not?
Some of the Channels that I watch were still mad at him, but not as much as they were when that the story broke out. Some were forgiving & other were not to forgiving for Filip's actions. As for me. I think that he has a long road for me to forgiving him.
I know that forgiveness is a very imported thing we all need to do in are lives, but the longer that it takes for those that do something wrong, The more likely it look like you did something wrong. The one thing that we all should take from this is that we all need to make are own reviews & thoughts on the things that we like.
No matter how simulator your views are from what other are saying about the same thing that you are giving your opinion on. We all may not have the same feeling on the same movie, anime, T.V. show, music or video game.
To me I think that we need to look at this a learning curb for any one that is review anything that do this for a living. I do wish Filip the best of luck in the future, but I still will not forgive him for the way that he treated those that he stolen from. I just wish that his apology came sooner & don't have to wait 8 months for a good apology.