I did get a chance to watch the trilogy again & still think that it dose hold up to my memories of the first time that I seen it. At first I didn't care much for the third movie as it was in the theaters & as time passes I did change my mind on the third move a hole lot, but still think that it was a bit weak for what it could of been.
The one main reason that I still love the original trilogy is simple. The first film was a massive part of my childhood. I still love that scene where you see the herd of dinosaurs after all the main characters got on the island. Yeah it may not aged well to some people, but to me it is still breath taking.
Some people may have lost interested in the franchise after the Jurassic Park 3 & not wonted to go see Jurassic World, but I did & think that it was a good way to restart the franchise with a clean slat with a great ideas.
Yes this idea of a restart of the Jurassic franchise was a good idea to begin with. If the is a good way to keep the Jurassic franchise going for years after this next trilogy. Then I like to hear about & hopefully that I can enjoy it as well.
If there is no third trilogy of the Jurassic franchise. Then I will be fine with that & will love all the Jurassic films that did come out the same. Now I'm just a odd person to think some o these ideas & hope that some or none of the crazy ideas that I think will happen.
The thing that I like to see is that something that I love to see thrive into the hearts of those that can enjoy that I know that everyone in the world can enjoy. Will the Jurassic franchise continue after Jurassic World? Will it be successful? Can it the film out there? How many more installments dose it have left in it before it's no longer the Juggernaut that it once was?
I don't have a answer for these questions, but I hope that in time we may get a few of them will be answered in time.