Now for the past 15 years or so. I been doing these Black Friday shop off & on. For the most of the last 5 years or so. The time that these sales have been starting is just so wrong. Can we ever have a nice holiday meal with the one that mean the most to us. It may seem like a not issue for some that don't mind missing time with family, but I think that it's wrong to have a big sale when we are with the family on a major holiday.
As I got sick of seeing that most Black Friday shoppers acting like horde of zombies that see a victim in their sights. I had to shop a different way by showing that I was not shopping at the store for their sale.I did so by shopping local & love the to shop on Black Friday even more.
I think that was one of the best things that I done & will continue to do every year now. For me it has been more fun to just go into a local place & hit on their own little Black Friday deals. Yeah they may not have the hottest items in their store, but it's nice to see that they are now trying to us in their doors.
Will I just start shopping at my local stores more often on Black Friday? Well I don't think so. I do like to see that some smaller stores try there best to out stage these big name companies to see which is better & all. I just wish that we all can have holiday to rest & have time with the family.