Now I don't know all the details & I think that story is real to me. So I guess these so called woman supporters are just fools & they are sexist. I just don't understand that a woman is sadden to be forced to call up her publisher & tell them to hold on releasing the book.
I do think that this is sick? Yes. It sickens me to hear that woman that was bullied into pull her book from being published. For just talking about slavery in a fantasy world that is not real at all. I do like that people are using history for a setting in any world of entertainment. As long you can try to guess on what they used for their exasperation on their world that they build up.
Can we just let an author do their own story without others telling them what to do? Yeah. We should just let author do their work by just letting them work on the stories that they like to tell. I think that some of the greatest authors nowadays are using history to their advantage. It's full of stories that we can tell that nobody will tell. If somebody just let a authors do their best, but no. There had to be someone had to be hurt by this book.
Should we use history for stories? Yes. I think that in some way most of the best movies & anime have used history in order to tell there stories. I do see that there is some history infused in what their doing with the world there building.
Is this a sign that we may have to stop using history as a influence? No. I think that history is a very rich source for any great story. We can't stop do to a few bad apples that think that their king of the way that anyone should tell a story.
With all this say. I do hope that we all can see we can do so much better then what those did to a poor woman that just like for her work to be published. So that the world can see the amazing hard work that she put into her books that was going to be in the hands of countless people.