Now the video of the stream that I watch was bit spotted & I may of missed a few thing that was red flags that didn't see. So I do feel that I may not of see everything, but I did see a lot thing that I didn't see at first.
One of the things that I don't see at first was the so casual gamers where not even playing games on the set. They where just acting in front of the screen & not playing at all. The crowd of people that where just bored out of there mind. The lack of energy of the hosts & guest that was in the stream. A sick way to market a headset.
There was page on a site that I got yesterday & I took a quick look at & at seems to me that this is a scam that is not going to have any effect to the online harassment for any one that there claiming to help.
I do think that information that was given to us for there own gain. There is no real up to date that is very reliable to match the real world numbers. Now question a few thing that is in the page. The thing that I think is a biggest thing that I tell that this is a big scam that plainly see. If one person has many names that are in the stream at once. Then you got a big red flag that a scam is being promoted.
There is a that I will link to the page that I looked at & like you deiced that on how bad this can do to the people that think that we don't see the real operation that there running here. I do think that this is just a way to make a quick buck & then run with are money.
With so much that any person that watched the stream. Can see that most of the video that I have seen that this was a bad idea with a major backlash & most of the sponsors did back out of the project. There has major talk about this on YouTube & most of them are against the idea.
To be fair. I did take a look on their Twitch page & the video of the stream is gone from there page. It is on YouTube & I was lucky to see it on YouTube. I just hope that this is not the last time that we hear from.