So this little 1 day event happen this past Saturday & it was a nice little hidden treasure that I don't know that was going on in Oklahoma so I thought t try it out & see on all the talk about was. So I drive out to checked it out. Talk about a odd place to have a convention. It was held at a local library that had a great amount of space to hold a small amount of vendors that was there to sell arts, crafts, toys & many other things that was there to sell.
There was a lot vendors that I have seen at others conventions & a few new ones. I was happy to see that it was very easy to move freely in the building even with a many people that was there in the rooms that was used for the vendors. The staff was amazing on telling me on where the event was going on at. They did have some snack food there, but that was all the food that they had there to eat. So did just pack me a lunch for the event.
The only thing that I hated about it was the is a bit of a trip for me, but it was just for 1 day. So I guess that there was no real bad issues that I had against it. The event was a short. It ended at 3 which sounds a little early to close down your event. Now I can see why they shout down early, but not that early. I just wish it closed around 5 at the latest. I hope that some of these thing can be worked on for the future. I just can't wait for next year.