After that I heard that it was official that 20th century FOX. I got a bit concern that we may have to say good bye to all the get franchises that I grow to love. I do have some faith that Disney will keep some of them going, but not the way that we all remember at all.
At times I think that Disney is big of a company that need to shrink down a bit. With many divisions that all may not as well as the main part of Disney. I do start to fear that this not a good sign that is to come. There are a group of people that are seeing that Disney is failing & we are to believe that there is nothing wrong.
This has gotten me to think that Marvel is making Disney falling down on to there knees. So that they to think of a way to get back up on their feet. I'm just guessing on why they need to get FOX in their little group of studios & see if they can make them money, but I'm just saying on what I think. This cloud be true or not.
I do wish them the best of luck with their new film studio & hope that all the projects the best of luck.