First thing that I like to get off my chest is the bad design of Sonic. It just looks like a ruff draft of the character. At best it looks like a child in a custom at best & just looks wrong to me. Yet it could of been a lot better in the end. If somebody was doing there research & called out that something is not right here.
The second thing that people have a problem is that there is no music from any of the games at all, but they did put "Gangster Paradise" in the trailer. Which is still a good song, but not for a kids movie if you ask me.
Final thing that I have to say that is on everyone's mind. Can Jim Carry be the only one to carry this B grade of a movie to the top of the Box Offices in the theaters in November? All we got to do is to wait & see till then.
I just hope that with all the major backlash that some of the creators of the Sonic franchise do throw in their two cents on how that a iconic character needs to look like. Yes Sonic is an iconic video game character for many years & still is. Minus the fact that his games for the past decade have been OKAY to very bad & there was not been a new game for years.
So do I think that this movie will fail? I don't think that it will fail to the level of some video game movies, but I think that. We do a have very good chance to see what happens when you a video game company & a movie company can do together after a major blow back from fans that can help you out to see what went wrong with your project.
Now I didn't expect to see anyone that worked on the movie to come out with a very positive message to those that was not happy with the trailer. I was glad that we were not called names, had a very replied to the fans & do have hope that changes will make the movie better in the end.
Will I go see it? As of now maybe, but if the changes are good enough that I think that I will drop my money on. Then Yes I will go see it. I support anything that gives out positive vibes & don't lets the cast attack the fan base.
If you ask me. This is the way that studios should be responding to their customers & not be calling them names, Telling them "If they don't like it. Then don't buy it." or attacking them for what ever reasons.
For me I just can't wait to see the resign version of Sonic in the next trailer before the release of the movie, but only time will tell.