I wish that I can give list of these great films, but I think that if give you a list of great films & not get into having a major debate is going to happen in my view, So I can tell out that I know that a film is a good film or not.
Now days most of the films that seem to have a big mark on Hollywood History are being attacked for one of many reasons. They can called Sexiest. Raciest, Homophobic or just for being Political Incorrect. Now I do think that there is some weight to there points, but I think that we need to stop thinking that everything is sexiest, everything is raciest, everything is homophobic & have to point it out for the world to see it.
It been a rough thought to hear a classic film or book is being attack for being a black mark of the history that they made. I heard that the Dairy of Ana Frank was been attack for some reason that I can't fully remember, but I think that if we can't just attack a work of art for political if don't have anything that is political at all.
I do seem to understand the setting of the movie or book is maybe the reason that it got removed or in hot water for being out dated for the language being used. Now I will defend most of the things that I have seen or read in my life.
The thing that I hate to hear is a group of kids that never seen a movie or read a book before. Are saying that a movie or book is not appropriate for them at all. Now I get it. We all think that if we just push the right person. That can get there way & then brag about it. To me that is just a showing that there just a bunch of crybabies & can't handle the real world.
If you don't like a movie or book then don't invest in it then. You have the freedom to not watch it & just let everyone else to have the right to watch it. Don't force people to think the same way that you do & let them make there own choice on experiences on the best mediums that the world has to give us.