Now I will not skip out on this totally & forget this site that started. I will try to fine a balance that is not going to favor one project over another. This may help me out on a few things that I been trying to do, but with a little push like I'm taking right out. Is go to pay off in time.
The things that I will be going like Interviews, reviews, chats with friends & many other things that I think that will go nice to the channel. I do have a few segments that I will be nice to try out that is in the works.
I will need some time to get things all worked out & lined up a few things that is still being thought up as I typed this out to out. I'm going to say all the projects that planned for the channel are in stone yet, but I do plan on getting a things that know that may work are going to be mixed bag at the start.
With that said I will soon start filming a few things that is easy to be & dose take up too much time to post on the channel & see if it fly or not. I do hope that you all can enjoy the work that I put into the project & support me to continue this into a hobby.
If you like to check it out HERE is the link.