Going into this event was very high & it was a bit a disappointed at the beginning. As the first day went on I was starting to love the event for what it was. There was no place to shoot your own guns off there. Just rentals booths only at the event. There was some booths that was taken by people that was just there to shot there own guns & no one else.
There was some booths that was selling training programs, accessorizes for guns, ammo & other stuff that you my need to get out of trouble for what ever reason. It was nice to see that a lot of great things that I never seen for guns there.
Some of the rental prices where about the some on most of the same guns there, but a few of the guns where a bit different from one place to another. Witch is not too much of a big deal if you ask me. I think that the prices that I seen was fair on the price on ammo, cleaning the guns, maintenance of the guns & cost of the space at the event.
Before I forget the other thing that you can do like take a ride in a Armored Personal Carrier rides, Helicopter rides, Sniper events & the big thing that goes on is Kill the Car. I did see both days' Kill the Car events & both of them was amazing to see in person. I just wish that Sundays didn't blow up so quickly.
Can there be some improvements that can happen for the future of the event? Yes there is a few that I like to see. 1) An area that anyone can shoot there own guns & not be taken over by people that are doing the same. 2) Maybe some weekend packages. I been to a lot of conventions that do this & they do it very well. 3) Have vendors that sell Food, Drinks & Merchandise at different booths. This was a small problem with be, but not a big deal me. I was a mad that I had to go to other booth for a drink. This was a bit odd for me to remember to do at times. I think that getting your food & drink at the same stand is a plus for some people. Yeah there was a stand that was drinks only, but they where a small business that made there own soda & selling it at a good price.
Now for the big question that I think about for now. Will I go back for next year's OFAST? If their is not anything that weekend & I got the money to go back. Yes I will go back. The thing that I sold me was that it was nice to see a lot of good classic guns there was the thing that sold me to come back to it the next time that I can. Yes it was a 3 hour drive to the area that I was happening at.
I do think that with the current way things are now. It was nice to go up to see the event that one of your favorite shows cover it for a few years. That just was just a blast to go & see it with my own eyes.