Now I never had a bad exercise with some of the things that other had. It is nice to talk about the things that others have. Like a friend of mind that that had to buy the same game for different Nintendo consoles that was not a very good for anyone to do just to play one of their favorite games of all time. They do try to keep some of their best games in the store & at a fair price for all the games.
Microsoft has made the decision to make all of the original Xbox games digital & playable for their current generation consoles. I think that is a good thing for fans that started after the after the Xbox was released & never got a chance to play some great games that the Xbox had for it.
P.C. has been always been a hit or miss on classic games. Yes you Good Old Games that has a tons of great classic & modern games. Steam has a good amount of classic games. Just not as good GOG. So just pick what you like & go with it.
As for Sony & their big mistake on preserving the great games that have in their library. This was only on the PlayStation 3 & Vita stores that was going to closed for good. Lucky the fans give some feedback & Sony decided to keep the stores open. Now I was a mad at Sony & was going to do a post on the fact that Sony was going to close down a chunk of their own history & throw it away for no reason at all. Lucky they changed their minds & listened to the fans that made them the company they are today.
We all need to hold on to the past that made these great video games companies & not hold them to the fire on all the trash of garbage that they had put out. Yeah we can say that "This game was bad & is cloud used more time to better." If we just look back at all the games that we can find to remind us of the greatness of video games.