Now I just don't care about the fact he sees his shadow or not. These people just don't seem to get the fact the Groundhog gets a better life then most Groundhogs that are in the wild or in any ZOO in the world. To me this was a joke. Plus they seem to not know the different between Pirie Dog & a Groundhogs in the ads that post around the area of Punxsutawney.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the craziness that they been up to as of lately. They think that we should change the way that we talk. Now did see this on there Twitter account & think that they need to get a realty check to see that there actions are not very good to anyone that will fall for this at all.
I never thought that PETA will ever do the things that they pulling as of late. So I will post the things that PETA like us to change the way we been speaking for years & can't change it at all. I don't see the reason that we have to change the way that we been saying for generations & nobody been hating on them.
Sometimes that I think that PETA is just an out of touch group that needs to update the way that do business & just try to be more relevant on the mission that they been doing for many years. Have I been a bit harsh on them? Yeah I have been a little hard on them & think that they need to focus on the task at hand.
To me PETA is just a joke of a organization that needs to don't making statements that they know is true at all. We also need them to don't pulling some king of stunt to get in the headlines of the media & save as many animals as they can.