I did quit twitter for a bit & thought it was a good idea. Looking back now I feel that no matter what side that take. There will a few people that think that I'm wrong or just crazy to think like that. I personal don't care which way my friend side on, but to me I know that I can be a bit of a pain to some of them. Just because I try to things a bit different & keep an open mind on things.
With the world being as crazy as it currently is. I think that we need stop & think about the ones that we care the most about. I can't just say "You all need to vote this way or we can't be friends." To me this shows that we all need to think a like to get along on social media in order to be friends. I just can't think like my friends at all. Because they may of been raised in a different type of culture then I was raised in.
So we may not agree on the same things as I may think in the beginning. That is fine with me. I think that we all need to be challenge in what believe in. We may a new point of view on things that we didn't think about at first, but we can change over time.
The thing that I really hate to see that is just sick. When people think that only white men are the one that are doing bad things in the world. They do from time to time forget there has been a few non white & men that have done a lot worst then what a white man had done in the the past. So I think that the playing field is level on both sides on this debate.
I'm I sick of politics that are just a waste of time on social media? Yes I'm sick of politics on social media. I doesn't have to be view able to the whole world to see & end a friendship over on what kind of politics you both have,
Now this really gets to me. when a event so powerful that pushes our views to the max happens. We then to forget that we all are human & attack those that hate our stand that we believe in so much that we will throw away are own friends to the wolves & never look back at the moment again. If you think that it is fine to throw away over having a different political view then you. Then your are the problem in the first place.
To me I don't care about your political views, I think that we need to find the main issues that are behind the acts of hate & just focus on making the world a safer place for everyone. Not just the weak minded cry babies. That we have to take care of.