This years event was held in a building & it was a great change that needed to happen. There was a lot more vendors & cos players that I found out that are from the area. It was nice to see some faces that I have not seen for a while there. There was a small part that was the kiddie area for all the little ones that was there. They had a Pokemon scavenger hunt thru out the event.
Some of the vendors that were there are the same & some new vendors as well. Which was nice thing to see that there was a good mix of types of vendors. There was also some Cos Players that was at the event that I never seen before, but I didn't go talk to them when I was there. I just hope that I can see them again soon.
I know that there was a lot of guest & panels that was going on, but I don't hit that part of the event ether. I just looked at all the great art work & didn't seem to check out the whole event. I guess that I should of walked around the other parts of the building as well. My bad.
Overall It is a nice event to go to for a day & not pay too much to get in to have some fun with the whole family. To me it was nice to see that there was a lot activities that any one can do. It shows that this event is not just for Adults that collect comic books, but for those that love comics at any age.
This year's event was just a test to see if we show the love of fandom. To me I think that the fandom will always win. Because only we know what we love & no one else do.