I only played the first episode & hope to not die too much that makes me feel that I don't know to play the game at all. I did die a few times & got lost on what to do next in the game. To me this shows that I'm big on point & click kinda games.
Do I hate point & click game? No. I just don't play too many of them in the first place. It just shows to me that I can try them & see if I can get in to them. I do try my very best to give any genre that I don't normally play. Yes is not my main type of game that I will play the most, but I still like to try any type of game that can make me feel that I'm being challenged. Then I can see where are my skills needs to be improved on from there.
One of the things that I loved about the The Walking Dead Season 1 games was the level of writing the it may of taken the writers to make this game a long time to get it all right. Yeah we all can say that this game does have a high level of writing. Do to the face that all the choices that you make does have a major impact on the story form that point on.
True we did have other games did the same thing & had a mixed outcome with them. If you ask me that we need more games that will care all your actions thru out an trilogy series. I that Clementine is the main character in The Walking Dead season 2, 3 & 4 for a many reasons, but I need to see on what things that she learn in season 1 carry over to the rest of the journey that she is on.
Now does this game still hold up to dates standards in my eye's? Yes it does. It still looks good one my Xbox one, but I originally played it on my Xbox 360 years ago. I still think that the art style looks amazing in today's standards of gaming. I just wish that I played more games like this in my youth.