I did see all the ads that will air once during the game & some of them where great. As others where just trash. To me a few of them seem to promote that "Only women can do this & nobody else." I was just sick that some of the ads just think that. For a long time that I can remember. This years ads had to be some of the worst in years.
To make thing even worst than that. The half time show has just a political nightmare. They had kids in cages to show what we are doing to those that are coming here illegal in the first place, they had one of the performers dancing on a pole, disrespecting the USA flag & many other things that was seen in the show.
Can we ever just stop with that political crap for once. I just like to see a event that no politics in it at all, but no we have to do something just to make a statement. The only way is to do it on the biggest stage that they can fine & make it there.
One thing that I like to see is that the NFL start cracking down on some of the things that been a big issue. Like political messages, Adult dance moves & anything else that you can think of. I know that some of the things that I said maybe a long shot, but we need to stop this before it gets out of hand.
We can just say to the NFL that we like to see less trash in the half time show & better preferences in the future show. I just hope that next year's show is a whole lot better.