Now after first hearing that a review on IGN was in question. I thought that it was just error or something, Then as I got more reports of a review of a game was being pulled do to a claim of plagiarism. Shortly after that then I got into the story. It came to a point that the Dead Cells review that Filip did on IGN got pull from their site & then we all heard that he was fired from IGN. Do to the fact that the claims where against him where true.
After this Filip did upload a apology to IGN & Motion Twin, but not to Boomstick gaming. Then he deleted the video to hit what he know that he got away with in his past & have been trying to make shore that the video is not reloaded. I just had to see the video in full context some how. Yes I do think that is I was his shoes. I would of said that I was sorry to the person I stolen their work from & move on, but he don't do that. He just shoot himself in the foot & blaming his failure on us.
There is just so much that I like to say right now, but I think that we need to attacking those that are down on their luck. What I think that we should just let them reflect on there mistakes & hope that they will not do it again.
I wish that I can just say "That I wish Filip the best of luck on his future." To be far I just can't do it all. Why you ask, because there too many claims that he faces that he has plagiarize a lot in his other reviews, opinion pieces & who know what else he has done.
Shortly before I started this post. I watch a video that some way that this is part of the Gamer Gate movement. How is Filip connect to Gamer Gate? Got me, but I think that this can be a good way to learn that ethics are still needed in this world that we live in.
After taking the time to tape this. I do feel a bit sorry that Filip is a lot of hate fr his actions & all, but I think that we all need to name our sources what we using there's hard work & show that we truly care about time that they put in to get it out in the world.
There is just so many people that will take the short way around the track to get to that finish line without a care in the world. I try to tell all those that come to my site from my heart & tell you what I think about things that I really care about in this out of control landscape of popculture.
Will I still trust IGN on their reviews, opinion pieces & still go to their site? As of today I will still love to go to their site, but I think that I may not trust them on their opinions & reviews for a awhile. I can see why that people will not trust them right. I hope that we can forgive IGN & move away form this dark moment to learn that we can't blame the site for one person's actions.
Now I do wish the best to Boomstick Gaming the very best in their adventures & hopefully I like talk to both Boomstick & Filip on this matter one day.