For the last few months. I been very quiet on how some publishers are just pushing a new type of ideas that seem to me is just wrong. Marvel has been the biggest company that pushed this Identity Politics kind of stories that seem to killed the Marvel that I know that is one time. We all loved the stories that they put out in their comics & we all will be talking about them with friends.
Marvel did decide go back to their roots & now I hope that they can change the image that they been putting on their selves. I will this change of heart to make some of their long time fans come back to see their mistakes. So their trust is restore.
I did hear that a much smaller publisher is having some issues with there comic line up do to their change to Identity Politics & they may have do so cleaning house if they have to say a float for the years a head.
The comic book publisher that I'm talking about is IDW. I do buy a comic or two that they published, but not too many of them. So I do like that they do have some of the licensed properties that I like to check out of time to time. I don't think that I got anything that maybe called "SJW" or "Identity Politics." So I maybe safe for now.
Just today I did hear that Captain America is getting a writer that is big in Identity Politics & a maybe a raciest. I don't know a lot about the writer. He did the Black Panther & the Crew run. So I'm a bit concern that we may see a big dip the the sells of a great comic book character that been around for decades & all the that read the comics are getting a dark experience with this icon.
I just wish that we just get a great story with all these characters that we get in each issue that we read. I'm to a point that I my just quit reading some of these comics that are pushing a political movement that need to be out comics. I hate t read a comic that has a agenda. I wish that a writer just write a story about a place with no hope, but a person slowly gives them hope.
There is a time & place for your political views, but not in comics. I just like to great characters do great things in their world. Not tell me on how to think & live. I got a life to live. I don't need a comic on how to act or where to live. The best thing about comics is that most of the worlds are so amazing to be there living with the characters that you relate to.
At times I do feel sorry for those that are forced to push these types of stories & see if it's sells or not. I hate to hear that a writer got fired for not selling a high number of comics. I just like a good story, characters & world to get lost in. I just hope that we all see that were soon again.