By that time Nintendo was looking to go with a cd base console & Sony made a work prototype, But they sided with Philips in the end.Sony felt that they was just thrown to the side & forgotten after there hard work. Luck for Sony they kept the rights to the name "PlayStation" & made a great system that we all came to love.
We all have at least one good game that the original PlayStation had that made many of us into the gamers that we are today. Some of the games made us rage quit a lot back then. Trust me there was a lot of games that I rage quit & never played them again.
I know the thing that made Sony a household name & it was the PlayStation exclusives games that was only on PlayStation that made them a threat to both Sega & Nintendo. At that time Nintendo had a more kid friendly type of image on their console & Sega was a bit more open to some adult content on their system, but it seem to work with both of them.
Sony was open to a mix bag of both the kid friendly & the more mature games. I think that this is why the PlayStation was a very system for everyone that played it. Yes it was a good first step for a company like Sony to take a risk that nobody to think about to take. See the best of both worlds on a single system that many people like.
The one thing that some people liked the most was the controller changed so much in a short amount of time. It went from a normal looking one to a controller with analog sticks. That alone changed the way that all game controllers should have on them at all times.
Do I have any favorite games or memories on the original PlayStation. Yeah I do. I like to play some fighting game that were based off some good anime shows at the time. Like Mobile Suit Gundam & Inuyasha. I did play some of the Final Fantasy games, but I did get stuck at points of the game. There was a game called Crono Cross that I did play. It was a OKAY game, but it was hard at times to figure out a few of the puzzles that it had.
So do I think that the the next generation of the PlayStation just about to be released to the world. I hope that the next generation well show that Sony still got the stuff to make a great system at a good price. Yeah they made a few missteps a long the way, but they did current the mistakes that made. Yeah I did think that the PS 3 was a high of a price to pay at first. Now I hope that the price is fair for all that everyone to get the next PlayStation in their home.