With this being the best installment in the DCEU. I was blown away with all the action. light comedy moments, plot, writing & the characters in the film. It's a good origin story for this iconic character. Now did have few good laughs it the way each line was delivered. the way that it moved was not too bad, still feels fast moving at times.
The way that they put the twist at the end as a bit odd at first, but it seem to fit the story in a modern type of film. Now I did think that the way that feel of the film was a political at points of the film, but it didn't feel like a political film at all. The best parts of the the film are the major actions scenes that really are amazing well done. Slow motion was a bit over used is some parts of the fights. It still don't kill the film too much.
With this installment out. The next big installment is the first part of the Justice League films. I do now have faith in DCEU for what ever film that they put out in the coming years. I just hope that they don't over hype the next few films & keep up the goo work for all there films.