As a young kid at the time this show did give me a few nightmares after watching a episode. If this show has meat to do that to kids that watched it. It did it's job for shore. Now a adult the show was a great way to to the dark side of the world we live in.
Now dose it still hold up today's way of T.V. shows? Well maybe in the way it told a great story in each episode that aired & never hold back, It got to point that one episode was pulled from syndication for a few & was recently started aired again.
There was a soft restart of the series & the two movies the it has, but I never fully got into them as deep as the original series. For me the show was a great way to see how deep those that willing to keep things quite.
Another thing that I like to talk about is that on how well the cast was working off each other. I just love to see different kinds of people with different views on the world. At the time I thought most of the people that where in it. Was just a refection of the real world & I was right. there are some many people that believe that the world do have so dark conspiracy going on that we don't know about.
What that said, I just can't wait to see what will the next installment of The X files. This show did what other shows will never do. Yes it did pushed some themes a bit too far & had a up roar of people that hated a story plot or a character that never was liked in the first place,
So I still love the show for what it did at the time & forever. I may try to rewatch this show to see if I can fully remember all the great episodes that I can remember.