Before I get to far into this. I just like to say that as a person that tries to see the core of the issue. I do think that YouTube did try to fix there image & didn't do the best thing at the time. Just 2017 alone was a massive black eye to the ones that are playing by the rules & still got hurt by those that are doing sick stunts or what ever was found in the site.
I do wish that some of the items that seem to very vague to those that are unclear on what they can still post or even talk about on the site. There are some channels that are going else where to do live streams to raise money for there projects. To me this was a sign that I don't see coming at all. Till most of the channels where saying it in there videos.
Now for the meat of this post. I took a look at the new guidelines & think that at first look of the steps that YouTube is a good way that a pin point attack is the best way to cut down on the stupid things that I hear about & the hammer comes to hit everyone.
This seems to me that best way to kill the idiots on the site & send them a message that there content is out going to be watched & getting paid for it. Is the best way that I can see for the ones that are plying by the rules & don't feel the pain from the fools in the site.
If you like to see the new guide lines here they are. I do like to say this. If these new guide lines make YouTube rollback a few of their harsh terms before this update. I wound be happy to see that this may happen in the future, but that may not likely in the near the future.