The same can go for YouTube as well. It seems that what ever that there golden eggs are doing & don't care if the videos that are be posted are breaking there Terms of Sevres to the word or not. If someone like me dose something stupid & it breaks the terms or serves. I'm done on YouTube & can't come back.
It suck that big name channels can make money on topics that are banned for advertisers, but a small guy like myself can't. Case in point Jimmy Kimmel had advertisers on his videos that talked about the Las Vegas Shooting & others people videos where deem "Not safe for advertisers." I think that some people that seen this was just as shocked as me when the truth got out.
Now let's look at Logan Paul video that everyone is got so much hate on. I think that the way that it was done & clearly broke the Terms of Sevres of YouTube is just sick. Even in a manual review it was safe to watch for everyone even kids can see it. I think that the way that YouTube is just a fool to not see that the video is not safe for kids or anyone that is not in a good state of mind.
Can we all just play on the same level that everyone is on & not just let a few idiots go out of control to a point that we have to quit one platform & go to another? I'm sick to hear that a small group of people or the loved ones that get to break the rules & have no consequences to their actions.
If your going to have rules on a playground & say the rules don't apply to this small group fool & everyone else has to play by the rules. Then I will take my business to a more happier playground. where everyone plays by the rules & gets thrown out for breaking them.